What are the 5 types of oral presentations؟

There are various types of oral presentations, but here are five common types:

  1. Informative presentations: These are presentations that are designed to provide information on a particular topic or subject. They may be used to educate, train or inform an audience about a specific subject. 

  2. Persuasive presentations: These presentations are designed to convince an audience to take a particular action or adopt a specific point of view. They may be used to persuade people to buy a product, vote for a candidate, or support a particular cause.

  3. Demonstration presentations: These are presentations that demonstrate how to do something, or how something works. They may be used to teach a particular skill, showcase a new product, or explain a complicated process.

  4. Training presentations: These presentations are designed to teach a specific skill or subject to an audience. They may be used to train employees, teach a new language, or teach a new software application.

  5. Entertainment presentations: These presentations are designed to entertain an audience. They may be used in events such as comedy shows, musical performances, or storytelling events.

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